共為你找到:22筆bone age 相關企業資訊
利錄科技有限公司EZ Dupe Inc.係美國 ILY Enterprise Inc. dba EZ Dupe.com在台子公司, 也是在台生產基地。 ILY Enterprise Inc. 係西元一九九五年於加州洛杉磯成立,十年來致力於各種拷貝機之市場開發與專業生產,並提供電腦ˋ影音ˋ視訊ˋ音響ˋ多媒體業者的各種需求:包括磁片拷貝機(FD duplicator)ˋ硬碟拷貝機(HD duplicator)ˋ光碟拷貝機(CD duplicator)ˋ影碟拷貝機(DVD duplicator)ˋPCMCIA拷貝機ˋZIP拷貝機等且均在美國有極大的市場佔有率,更進而擴及全球市場。 除了一系列完整且高效能的產品線外,我們更提供代客組裝ˋ零件配套(bundle)ˋ準系統(bare-bone)ˋ完整產品(machine)ˋ技術協助(technical support)等全方案(total solution)的支援與服務。多年來由於我們的努力,使得美國拷貝機的市場欣欣向榮,更進而帶動了台灣拷貝機的研發能力更上層樓,於全球市場獨領風騷。 雅典娜(Athena)光碟拷貝控制器系列的研發成功,象徵著利錄科技向高速ˋ多功能ˋ多碟片的極限挑戰,象徵希臘神話中智慧女神的風采。經典(Classic)系列拷貝機專用機殼搭配品質優異的電源供應器(power supplies),歷經了千萬客戶的試煉與考驗而仍卓然鼎立。新推出的大力神(Hercules)系列機殼更符合客戶精益求精的心理,以專業而易安裝的設計,加上厚實而穩重的外型,贏得了客戶廣泛的喜愛。 以穩定成長的信念和務實的態度,利錄科技掌握了拷貝機軟硬體的應用與整合。本著對產品品質的一貫堅持,利錄科技的目標是 ~永遠提供客戶最好的
ARTDOOR藝境文化藝術有限公司,2008年開始以「藝境工坊」提供藝術品修復服務,協助藝術家策展及藝術品經紀。本著對藝術的熱愛與專業訓練,於2011年4月正式成立畫廊部門ARTDOOR Gallery,作為長期展出國內外優秀藝術家作品的據點,推薦具有獨立思考能力、原創性的作品,以及專業創作態度及技術的藝術家,期待在藝術創作與收藏之間,打開一扇交流之門。 服務項目 ˙藝術策展與經紀:藝術家代理、主題策展、文創品開發、藝企合作等服務。 ˙藝術品買賣投資:藝術投資與收藏規劃、買賣仲介、價格評估等服務。 ˙藝術品展示規劃:藝術展覽、居家粧置、公共空間等展示規劃服務。 ˙收藏品管理諮詢:收藏品登錄管理、保存維護、保養修護、包裝運送等服務。 Company Overview Artdoor Taipei's CEO, Moses Hsu, and Art Director, Amanda Lin, have been involved in the art business for more than twenty years and enjoy great connections with Taiwanese artists. Hsu and Lin both graduated from the Taipei National University of the Arts and held positions at Lion gallery for four and ten years respectively. With independent thinking, originality, and professionalism at it core, Artdoor hosts exhibitions that features all kinds of artworks, ranging from Chinese ink painting to video art, created by artists of age thirty to ninety-eight. Artdoor promotes all artists who share its principles and vision. Services ˙ Art Curating and Brokerage: Artist Agency, Thematic Curating, Cultural and Creative Product Development, Art & Business Cooperation, and other services. ˙ Art Trade and Investment: Art Investment and Collection Planning, Trading Agency, Value Assessment, and other services. ˙Art Presentation and Planning: Art Exhibitions, Home Arrangements, Public Spaces, and other presentation and planning services. ˙Collection Management and Consulting: Management of Art Registry, Preservation, Maintenance, Restoration, Packaging and Transport, and other services.
新象休閒時尚有限公司專營休閒品牌的實體通路 新象休閒時尚有限公司倡導 ”創新 first mover 唯才是用” 只要是有利於公司發展的事將全力的配合,創造出意想不到的成果。我們將邀請各路的優秀伙伴加入我們的經營隊,為公司的發展出謀劃策。 新象時尚有限公司高效率的服務態度,並致力提昇企業形象與競爭力,因此自成立以來受到廣大會員的支持與青睞,使本公司得以快速成長,新象以其效率.專業.熱忱並值得信賴的服務在基隆業界迅速的建立商譽﹗新象擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『誠信』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營.成長與發展,達成短期.中期.長期的目標。 Sinshan fashion Ltd., co established on April 11th, 2001 as a traditional sports clothing store near National Taiwan Ocean University as a result of above average service, reasonably priced goods and a large selection of products, had become a renowned and reputable clothes manufacturer and retailer.Taking advantage of favorable market conditions a second shop was established at the Keelung temple business center in January, 2002. The fresh and trendy style of apparel on offer appealed to a wide age spectrum sequentially many more branches could be opened in that same your enabling the company to boast with a current total of six branches in all. The most up-to date marketing computer system are utilized to run and improve the efficiently of the company’s business operations Harrykiki’s management strives continuously to achieve a comprehensive system of service quality control and all new requites are given optimum training.The company shares its business experience of 10 years with all it members, new and old, and it’s enlistment procedures are constantly refined to ensure satisfaction. We ‘initiate’ , always willing to take the first initiative at implementing new ideas to improve business and allow for unexpected original results. We invite individuals to join us and realize their full potential working as a team.As a result of our great efficiency and our emphasis on customer care we have built a considerable and trusting client-base which allows our company to grow rapidly and uniformly.
格蘭英語於1980年創立於現敦南總校大樓,為台灣學習英語風氣之啟蒙。除了成人及兒童英文課程,更因為優質教學口碑,受許多知名企業青睞,而成立了外事教學部 ( GRAM English Services) 及展業部、加盟部。    GRAM was established in 1980, beginning with its Dun-Nan school in downtown Taipei. Today, as one of the leading language learning institutes in Taiwan, GRAM currently operates more than 200 school locations, with over 1000 employees and tens of thousands of students, including children from age 5 to top executives in a variety of business corporations. For the past 29 years, GRAM has also operated its own Franchise Department, GRAM Childrens Service Department, and GRAM English Services – popular with many domestic business corporations – to ensure the quality of our English learning programs.   因為格蘭兒童金色教學計畫,口碑深受消費者認同肯定,應家長需求,於1999年成立了派普爾美式幼兒學校,提供5~6歲幼兒全天候美語環境,並與 ICRT合作出版『格蘭英語雜誌』,使英文學習更多元化,並切合生活實際需要。因此格蘭不但提供兒童美語、成人美語,更致力於幼兒美語教學。    格蘭英語在這塊土地邁向第29個年頭之際,靠著優良嚴謹的教學口碑,在全台灣各點成立了無數的分校,培育出無數的國際菁英。   Because GRAMs Modern Childrens Program has been highly popular among parents, we have also established the Piper American School, providing a whole-day English program for children aged 5 and 6. Additionally, GRAM has cooperated with ICRT, the islands only English radio station, to publish GRAM Digest and to provide an overall more diverse learning environment for its students. Drawing upon its many years of experience, its excellent teachers and its diligent students, GRAM is making its best effort to conduct and promote the governments “English for All” policy.    As GRAM approaches its 29th year in Taiwan, we are proud of our quality English programs which have helped many of the islands students become excellent English-speakers.
Stone Age石器時代 bar : 營業時間 10:00pm~6:00am 地址位於威尼斯影城之後方,韓式料理旁邊
DMor is a new company that is designed to provide variety English training sessions to all age group.
金世紀大飯店位於新竹市北大路,地處新竹市鎮樞紐,無論商務洽公、觀光遊憩,皆為理想的住宿中心。 飯店內120間細緻典雅的商務客房提供寬頻上網服務、更設立餐廳、洗衣房及停車場,商務中心提供廣泛的商務秘書服務,同時也解決房客開會場地的問題。
We manage a social shopping website. Connect with Facebook , Twitter, and Plurk. We help people to improve their buying decisions. The consumers could read precise reviews of goods through our website and making their buying decision. Join us you can learn more skills of the social age technologies.
1.目前公司以室內設計為主.包含室內裝修工程. 我們設計方向以空間為思考.幈棄裝潢的思維模式. 也希望再設計思考過程.能夠激發更多不同設計思維及想法. 2.目前以台北.高雄及台南為主要服務區域.
"陶憩食代無國界料理餐廳",陶憩諧音”淘氣”意謂活發、巧思、熱情、自由自在、無拘無束是我們的DNA,店裡的餐具、擺設構思、營造舒適休憩空間,是我們想帶給客人朋友的一點點不平凡,也是腦力激盪出來的創意,此外Logo、招牌、名片,均出自我們靈魂人物的巧手,把我們的意念基因描繪的寫實貼切並傳達的淋漓盡致。 菜色是經由主廚的創意及用心,將各國美食精隨定位出的餐點,更標榜天然的料理,自製醬汁,如Logo般(原始人手印),呈現原始的美味風貌。 主廚定時更新菜單,增加顧客選擇品嚐不同道地味覺的頻率,讓朋友們強烈感受餐廳裡生生不息的生命力,並享受『活潑幸福』的異國料理。
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